The shipping charges (cost of delivery): 

  1. If your order contains only Ekuep-fulfilled items: 
    • Delivery to Saudi Arabia: 35 SAR (including VAT) per shipment. Free shipping on orders exceeding 300 SAR.
    • Delivery to Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman: 170 SAR (including VAT) per shipment. Free shipping on orders exceeding 1500 SAR.
  2. If your order contains items sold by MarketPlace merchants (not Ekuep-fulfilled items):
    • Delivery to Saudi Arabia: 35 SAR (including VAT) per shipment. Free shipping on orders exceeding 1500 SAR from one merchant.
    • We ship MarketPlace items in multiple shipments since each item is coming from a different merchant

We charge separately for each shipment. The total amount will be shown in your cart.